Sustainability at deconovo

Your Trustworthy Choice

With deconovo, you're choosing more than just home decor. Our Oeko-Tex certified products, aligned with GSR standards, are a testament to our commitment to responsible living and mindful consumption.

Purpose Beyond Products

Every item we design and craft resonates with a deeper message. It whispers, "We're not just in the business of home decor. We're in the business to save our Earth through sustainable home decor."

Our Commitment

Mindful Materials: Our use of certified materials, emphasizing recycled and upcycled components, is a step towards sustainability without compromising on elegance.

Evolution in Action: We acknowledge that every journey has its starting point. While we continue to strive for eco-friendly innovations in our production, our certifications are already ensuring the products you bring home are safe and conscientious.

Together Towards Tomorrow

Let your home mirror both your style and values. When you opt for Deconovo, each piece is not only an addition to your space but also a pledge to a greener tomorrow. Together, we can weave a world that's both beautiful and conscious.

Share the Journey

Your voice, insights, and ideas hold immense value. Connect with us, share your sustainable living suggestions, and let's chart this journey hand in hand. Your participation strengthens our commitment to a purpose-driven path.